woensdag 10 april 2019

Eyes all over....

There was this sort of hunt going on yesterday.....

@ CerberusXing in which you could win a fatpack of eyeball earrings.
I immedeately paired them in my thoughts with my eyeball leggings from Pixicat and TPed to CerberusXing.
By the time I landed there all fatpacks were found by others (Yaay for fast internet), so I did not get them.
Today I went back there to see if they were in the shop already, but did not see them. 
I saw these eyeball earrings though, which are very cool too. (close up in the TV)
The eyes actually blink and the eyes in my legging are animated too. 
The backdrop is a lucky chair gift @ The Bearded Guy shop.

Love & Light,

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