donderdag 12 maart 2020

And then there is a photocontest.......

It is about re-creating a movie poster or dress up like a movie actor/actress.
In the Flickr group I saw many entries recreating a movie poster like it was and I decided to give my own go: I invited a friend that I used many times as a mannequin. I knew he had this scissorhands from RO (Remarkable Oblivion).
His jacket is from Contraption and was a groupgift for the L'Homme readers.

Meet Edward Scissorhands!

Love, Light and Health,

zaterdag 7 maart 2020

And now for something completely different!

Finally I made myself a dress again..
Sarcasm Inc., which is just me.
IM me when you want it.

Love, Light and  Health,

woensdag 4 maart 2020

Wishing this subject wasn't so actual :-(

This nurse outfit can be found @ Whore Couture Fair for only L$ 1!
It is given as a whole outfit and as three different parts (skirt, top and bra)
The nurse cap and the rest of the equipment were gacha items from Zenith.

Love, Light and stay healty!!