dinsdag 24 september 2019

Do you need a light?

I will be your LUCIFER!
I am still here but I am very much in a role play community at the moment.
Never far away.... only distracted.
Just light that lucifer!
See you @ Halloween! 

May the darkeness surround you and then i will be your LUCIFER!

dinsdag 10 september 2019

The Deadmore family.

Story of Even Moore Deadmore:

Hello I am Even.
My mom and dad named me that way, because I was the 4th child and I made the number even.
I am married to Mr. Moore, but it is a nightmare marriage.
First I was too young when I married, and secondly he plays mindgames with me.
He started to humiliate me until I believed myself I was less then any other being that exists.
After that he started to hurt me like splitting my tongue, because he did not want me to defend myself with words.
Now I can not speak anymore.
Then he started to study the occult and I suffered a lot of experiments which I won't write about.
Your imagination would not be extended enough to understand this level of evil.
One night I planned to escape back to my Deadmore family.
I planned it very well....... I thought.
I ALMOST succeeded.
I ended up with the ghost of his dead grandfather who was feared for his evilness watching over my shoulder all the time.
He took this picture of me and hurt me in a horrible way; let my blood drip on the picture, let it dry and now I am framed hanging above his bed as sign of his victory.
I am doomed.

(My entry in the DRD Deadmore family Contest... a lot lot of creative entries look HERE)

No love and only Darkness,
Fairy aka Even Moore Deadmore.

vrijdag 6 september 2019

Cyber Glasses

Here is your groupgift @ The Liaison Collaborative, these nice glasses!
Strangest thing is...... I wanted to leave the group for another group, but it said "unable to leave group".
I wonder why that is.
My "ruin horns" are from LovelyAlien and were a gift too; I don't remember at which occasion.

Hurry to TLC to get your Cyberglasses!

Love & Light,

The devil wears Astralia

Friday again!
That means I am going FLF-shopping and I totally fell for these awesome heels by Astralia.
They are in bloody and clean version.
While I was trying a demo at another FLF shop, Pure Poison, I saw this body as a groupgift.
It made me forget about the FLF dress completely and I went home  to make this picture, to be in time for you girls to get the stuff too!

Body: Pure Poison groupgift (group is free to join)
Shoes: Astralia FLF item
Hair: Tableau Vivant
Headband: Eclat
Devil tail: Sweet Thing
Fishnets: Villena