donderdag 5 december 2019

Gacha Garden Glamour

TIAR brings you the Glamour Gacha: a dress in 12 common colours and three RARE's of which I am wearing the golden one. (The other rare's are silver and silverish pink.)
Very chique for Christmas and from my side I wish all my readers a very merry christmas month!
PS: Don't eat too much, you will regret in January, lol!


TIAR mainstore

zaterdag 2 november 2019

It starts with a K.... and ends with a ......!

Guess what is it?

I never miss the Kinky event and I always pick one thing of each event which I highlight.
This straitjacket made by UNA is what drew my attention. There can be a story behind it...
It looks like a mental hospital jacket for people that are a danger to themselves.
But: You can look at it in a BDSM way too; which probably was on the designers mind.
I like stuff that does not completely give you away.... always a mystery.

Jacket: UNA @ Kinky event

Love & Light,

donderdag 31 oktober 2019

The end is near....

What is wrong with me??

I enjoy anticipation of an event but when the event is there I am already bored with it.
The longer the anticipation the better.....but when everyone is wearing witch outfits and spooky stuff my mind wanders away to the next event.

Wearing the No.Match groupgift hair with the Spookzilla witch headpiece (huntgift) here.

Love & (candle)Light,

dinsdag 15 oktober 2019

Speak of the devil.....

and he doth appear....
I know the devil theme comes around several times in my blog but heeey this is Halloween time!
Cute devil by the way, as this ruffled top and skirt (actually a dress, named Zina) is on sale for L$ 50/colour or pattern.
I am wearing the rainbow one in here but there are 13 other colours/patterns too choose from @ Tiar booth at the Redeux event.


This Skys Tiar legging is also only L$ 50/colour or pattern
I am wearing the Camo version, but there are 16(!) other colours and patterns.

Tiar @ Redeux
Tiar Main shop

There is nothing more valuable then good basics.

And these Mizzy rompers from TIAR which are now available at the Redaux event cover that completely.
They are loosely draped on the body, sexy to wear as onesie but also awesome to use as a basic for a themed outfit.
I chose the black one to build up a Halloween themed picture but there are so many options to choose from
The romper comes in fatpack in 18 different colours and patterns from black via camo to flowerish and cute!

Tiar @ Redeux
Tiar Main shop


woensdag 9 oktober 2019

Promises .... promises?

Noooo.. I am back!

I told you I was in a roleplay community and also busy in RL; but I promised I will be back when Halloween is here.
I was a good girl: I am back now already thanks to the aweseome gifts I found.
This hair is tricky but totally awesome: it is a groupgift by No.Match.
I tried this on an other avatar and that did not look good. Strange how it works sometimes.
But tricks and treats are Halloween theme.
I went on shopping and found this great chain body by Salt & Pepper: Halloween groupgift also Yaay!

Halloween is my favourite time of the year....
To be continued....

Love and darkness....

dinsdag 24 september 2019

Do you need a light?

I will be your LUCIFER!
I am still here but I am very much in a role play community at the moment.
Never far away.... only distracted.
Just light that lucifer!
See you @ Halloween! 

May the darkeness surround you and then i will be your LUCIFER!

dinsdag 10 september 2019

The Deadmore family.

Story of Even Moore Deadmore:

Hello I am Even.
My mom and dad named me that way, because I was the 4th child and I made the number even.
I am married to Mr. Moore, but it is a nightmare marriage.
First I was too young when I married, and secondly he plays mindgames with me.
He started to humiliate me until I believed myself I was less then any other being that exists.
After that he started to hurt me like splitting my tongue, because he did not want me to defend myself with words.
Now I can not speak anymore.
Then he started to study the occult and I suffered a lot of experiments which I won't write about.
Your imagination would not be extended enough to understand this level of evil.
One night I planned to escape back to my Deadmore family.
I planned it very well....... I thought.
I ALMOST succeeded.
I ended up with the ghost of his dead grandfather who was feared for his evilness watching over my shoulder all the time.
He took this picture of me and hurt me in a horrible way; let my blood drip on the picture, let it dry and now I am framed hanging above his bed as sign of his victory.
I am doomed.

(My entry in the DRD Deadmore family Contest... a lot lot of creative entries look HERE)

No love and only Darkness,
Fairy aka Even Moore Deadmore.

vrijdag 6 september 2019

Cyber Glasses

Here is your groupgift @ The Liaison Collaborative, these nice glasses!
Strangest thing is...... I wanted to leave the group for another group, but it said "unable to leave group".
I wonder why that is.
My "ruin horns" are from LovelyAlien and were a gift too; I don't remember at which occasion.

Hurry to TLC to get your Cyberglasses!

Love & Light,

The devil wears Astralia

Friday again!
That means I am going FLF-shopping and I totally fell for these awesome heels by Astralia.
They are in bloody and clean version.
While I was trying a demo at another FLF shop, Pure Poison, I saw this body as a groupgift.
It made me forget about the FLF dress completely and I went home  to make this picture, to be in time for you girls to get the stuff too!

Body: Pure Poison groupgift (group is free to join)
Shoes: Astralia FLF item
Hair: Tableau Vivant
Headband: Eclat
Devil tail: Sweet Thing
Fishnets: Villena

woensdag 28 augustus 2019

Back to native......

When I saw this awesome headpiece @ the Hairfair, I went straight back from Khaleesi to native again.
This was always the theme of this particular avatar anyway.
(Keeping avatars in theme is buying less; gotto protect myself, lol!)

Headpiece Baiastice @ Hairfair.
Hair Monso.
Top Dead Dollz.
Skirt and necklace Luas.
Moccasin boots Maitreya.
Fantasy tiger (worn or rezzed): Lucky chair gift @ Jinx (old gacha item), RARE

zaterdag 24 augustus 2019

Thou shalt not lead into temptation......

“But, though I was very much in lust with him, I knew from the start we were nothing like "forever." Maybe because forever is such a scary place.”
― Ellen Hopkins, Burned

Top and collar: groupgift CeberusXing
Hardly there bikinibottom: CeberusXing
Devilboots: CeberusXing gacha
Hair: MM gift Olive
Devil tail: Sweet Thing (Bento animated; includes colour HUD and pose HUD for pictures)

Love & Light

vrijdag 23 augustus 2019

Ready for Halloween......

I always strech Halloween as long as possible:

Mostly I start in September and stop after Christmas (as Nightmare Before Christmas is also scary themed), so now I stretched it out to a few weeks more. Whats a few weeks, right?
CerberusXing is the perfect place to pick up some scary stuff.
I am wearing here the Lucky Letter tongue fix tongue, Earcuffs Wings of Inferno, Double choker "Summer hater" and the handcuff bracelets.
Posing in the "Crucem Inverso" backdrop which also consists a male and female pose on the cross.
All of the above is free when you join the group (group has a small fee of L$ 50).

Enochian Succuba top, skirt and boots: gacha items @ CerberusXing (not free)

Love and Light

dinsdag 20 augustus 2019

Path to madness

“In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without evenopening them.”
― Mark Twain

The book I am reading is very scary and funny: "Path to Madness", a groupgift from Hotdog.
After all the fairyllike cute stuff I felt like going back to my dark side again; I need this balance.

“Darkness is beautiful. It has tremendous depth, silence, infinity. Light comes and goes; darkness always remains, it is more eternal than light. For light you need some fuel; for darkness no fuel is needed - it is simply there.”

My high collar jacket is from Hotdog too (use the alpha on your body HUD)

Love & (how synically) Light,

zondag 18 augustus 2019

Redaux is now open!

Tiar has among others this cute Frou frou corset and undies available @ Redaux for 50% off!
It comes with a HUD with 10 different colours, of which I chose this soft yellow.
I am totally into yellow this summer as I blogged before ;-)
In the gacha area, Tiar has this "can't go wrong" undies, which are only L$ 45/pull.
I mean by "can't go wrong" that you get the undies in a different colour every pull, so no useless items in this gacha.

I am wearing the Rare one which has a HUD with 7 different textures.
Bra: Addams
Pumps: ChicChica

Redaux runs from August 14th untill August 21st.

Love & Light,

vrijdag 16 augustus 2019


Sky Lanterns, historically known as Khoom Fay or Khom Fai (‘Fire Lantern,’ Chinese;Thai), are a traditional part of Asian and Thai culture dating back to 300 AD. They were first made of oiled rice paper stretched over a bamboo frame and fuelled by a small candle.  The candle heated the air inside the lantern’s skin, making the trapped air less dense than the cooler surrounding air and thereby causing the lantern to rise.

While some historians disagree, folklore credits the invention of the first sky lantern to revered Chinese military strategist Zhuge Liang.  Zhunge Liang’s reverent term of address was Kongming, which is why sky lanterns are sometimes called Kongming Lanterns, even today.  The shape of the first sky lanterns were also thought to resemble the shape of Kongming’s favored hat.

This lantern pose set can be picked up for free at Liaison Coll. event as a gift from Fashiowl poses.
(Set of 5 different poses with lantern(s) prop(s)
The dress is a fifty linden friday item from Blueberry and the hair was a Midnight Mania gift from Olive.

Love and (lantern)Light,

dinsdag 13 augustus 2019

Luas groupgifts

Luas has this summer outfit (top and bottom and bubbles gun) added to their groupgifts.
The top and bottom have a colour HUD of which you can choose many colours.
I chose for the "oily" options. The gun has three colour options too and a bubble shooting on/off button.
The floatie was a gift from Caboodle at an event.(I TPed to the shop to see if it is still around, but I did not see it )
The Flamingo is from Jian.

Love & Light,

zaterdag 10 augustus 2019

Shopping Spree

I went to Tres Chic and saw this great feather top made by American Beauty and matched it with the extreme wide leg Trousers made by Coco Design (@ Uber event)
Cherry on the cake: wooden bag by Tentacio (FLF item)
Hair is a MM gift at Besom shop.

Love & Light,

woensdag 7 augustus 2019

Medieval Fantasy huntgifts!

A quick post about a great hunt:

The Medieval Fantasy Hunt!

Gifts shown here:

Mini kimono: Tamiron Forge
Umbrella: MB
Little face lights: Spyralle
Rickshaw (background): United InshCon


Oboko's: Oubliette
String: [CX] groupgift
Leg tattoo: Addicted to ink

Hints and merchants are given here

Love and Light,

maandag 5 augustus 2019

Love is a losing game.......

Dear readers....... a tragedy has happened to my best friend in RL.

The same tragedy as  happened to me several years ago. I have to be there for her.
Your child should not die before you die......

Love & Light,

woensdag 31 juli 2019


This outfit is from the same shop as my former post and is a mix and match.
It is a strange place, as when I looked around I saw no shop; just a couple of freebees.
The designer must be japanese as the outfits totally embrace the Kawai/pastel goth look.
The dress has lace ruffles, stiched on buttons and ribbons and the socks are white lace.
The flower headband is a gift from Exile @ Uber. (Yessss!! I finally managed it into the cam sim!)

Love & Light,

For you guys!

I read the latest post of the fantastic FabFree blog.
It was a sort of Lolita dress and she mentioned there were a few gifts for guys.
Three amazing outfits for Gianni: a folder with three different kimono's, a sailor outfit and this one.
Get your gifts here.
(Its the top three boxes on the wall (coloured boxes)

Love & Light,

zaterdag 27 juli 2019

Witchwood hunt!

Petit Mort and Oubliette sim have a small hunt and 50 % off sale going on!
Hunt items are L$ 10 and you are looking for a colourfull ball. (Click the board when you land; it gives you all the info.)
Showing you a skirt and top from that hunt and another little treasure: Jackalope has a 50 % off sale too!
This naughty shopping bag was my choice. Back in my designer days I made something similar: soo funny!

Now what was really in that bag?

TAXI to Petit Mort & Oubliette

Love & Light,

vrijdag 26 juli 2019


As I was @ Jian to pick up their FLF item (a Labrador wanderer and a Husky wanderer) I saw this cute little guy.
I just had to take him with me. He comes in a wearable and in a wanderer version and both are L$ 250.
The plane and the dog's cote can be retextured. (Dog in 4 coats and plane in 7 textures.)

On me:
Shorts Bueno and tank Blueberry groupgift.

Love & Light

donderdag 25 juli 2019

The worshippers

My dad always warned me when I was a girl for "worshippers".
I did not understand what he meant back then, but now I do and also I understand why he warned me.
Worshippers don't love one thing ...... no they have a need to worship.
Here comes in mind the dom/sub community in SL.
90 % of the subs are topping from the bottom (getting your way by acting submissive, playing mindgames) but the other 10 % (may be more may be less I have not interviewed them) are worshippers.
Worshippers are loosing themselves to a "greater" cause, like a religion, master or mistress or just doing repeatedly the same thing every day.
They want a prison.
They lost control of themselves and there begins the danger.
After a while they don't even know who they are themselves.
They are what is imprinted in them.
Never underestimate what SL is for other people.
For me it is a creative environment where I can meet people from all over the world.
For some people it is their way out of their misery.
For some it is a self created prison to get out of the RL prison.

Love, Light and Freedom above all!!

woensdag 24 juli 2019

Go Away!

Sometimes you just want to be alone.......

And this snake tangle I wear on my head will help me keep unwanted people on a distance.
This is an animesh gacha item made by SEmotion and this is the "can't go wrong" kind of gacha again.
The one I am showing you is not even a RARE. All snake tangle's are in different coloursets.
The Go away cookie is from Kokolores.
Get your snake @ Access.

Love & Light,

zaterdag 20 juli 2019

Amber is the colour of your energy....

Are you so much into that colour too this summer?

Or is it me?
I rediscovered all shades of the colour yellow after ignoring it for years. (RL and SL speaking)
I did not like the combination yellow/white in special and still I think that is not the most inspiring combination.
But: this season is yellow a must for me and I have catching up to do for years!

Top: Bueno.
Shorts: Reign.
Cupcake earring: Old Circus Noir item.

Love and (amber)Light,

Does that make Sense?

Today I went to the Sense event and saw this awesome fringed dress and just had to buy it.
Price is very friendly (L$ 175), because it has two HUD's with tons of options.
(One crochet HUD and one solids and patterns HUD and practically each part of the dress can be textured differently)
When I walked on at Sense I saw the same dress At the Ghee booth, which was L$ 299 with only a 10 colours HUD) They must have the same template maker, LOL!
Thank you BDR for your reasonable prices!

Love & Light

vrijdag 19 juli 2019

Fifty Linden Friday.

It's almost weekend and that means Fifty Linden Friday!
Showing you my favourite item(s) this week.
Reign has this amazing retro style bikini not only in one colour, but in Fatpack for you!
Not visible here but I am wearing matching shoes, which are a FLF item too in Fatpack.

Love& Light

maandag 15 juli 2019

Nowhere in particular.

If I only could feel that free!

That is what Eckhart Tolle meant. I read his book "Living in the Present Moment" and I totally dig it.
It is just that we have adopted to plan stuff. It feels more secure. In fact plans prison us.

Anyway..... showing you some of the gifts from the DRD hunt here.
The hitchhiker sign with pose and the final gift (when you have found all the others): The backpack.
The shirt and shorts are a groupgift @ DM shop, which I blogged before.

Love, Light and freedom,

zaterdag 13 juli 2019

Talking about club standards again.......

I got thrown out of this bluesclub, because the owner thought she saw my nipples.
Her hostess had a name like fetishforyou or something. That was apparently OK.
The picture above shows my appearance at that time. I dont see nipples, do you?
"LGTBQ Furry & Noob Friendly" they say... place is moderate; in my opinion they have to change it to General!
This blogpost was not to post a nice picture, but just to make a statement.

Love and Light,

vrijdag 12 juli 2019

Daenerys and Tyrion

I discovered this amazing shop where you can buy all kinds of mesh/bento avatars/followers.
The prices are very friendly (for example you can buy a few "manga" avatars for only L$ 11!)
I could not resist this Tyrion bento avatar, which was a bit more expensive but still friendly priced.
Amazing job!

Tyrion avatar: Continue Mainstore
Wolf: Hilted- the Wolf Mid size (animesh)
Daenerys: Dress Zenith and dragons HEXtraordinary

Love & Light,

This week's FLF favourite!

Short post, so you can get the FLF item yourself in time too.
Defenitely my favourite FLF item was the Ramen soup attachement made by Tentacio!
There was also a make up bag attachement, but I liked this one better.
Other stuff that I am wearing are groupgifts to be found at DM shop (see the latest post on Fabfree blog)

Love & Light,

dinsdag 9 juli 2019

Vanity gifts!

All Vanity event gifts in this post!

Bodysuit: Meva Daddy (comes with top in folder)
Sunglasses: Dreamlight (comes with HUD for colours)
Backdrop: The bearded guy
Pose: Ebano poses (6 different poses with skateboard)

Ears: Mandala steaking ears
Hair : Shi Gavri'ella.

Love & Light

zondag 7 juli 2019

The Mermaid Cove

I went to the Mermaid cove event with my mermaid avatar and found out that there is more stuff for "legged" people.
So I went to the cove with my legged avatar and this great Ariel dress was my choice.
It is a good compromise: now I have the best of both worlds!

Ariel dress: SD @ Mermaid Cove Event
Fish in bag: {MB} @ SL 16th BD Event (gift)
Fishes around head: Barberyumyum (old FLF item)
Hair: Stealthic Dawn
Shoes: Blueberry Bonita
Starfish earrings: Yummy

Love & Light,

vrijdag 5 juli 2019

Save the bees!

The Jian Forest Fashion friends earrings (gacha item) inspired me to make a whole outfit, as I care deeply for the bees.
The outfit contains of Maitreya dress, wearable honey pot and bee emitter worn on shoulder.
The gacha earrings you have to try to win yourself.(Here)
Due to the conditions of the template maker, I sell this outfit for L$ 100.
IM me when you want it.

Love & Light,

woensdag 3 juli 2019

Ooooh that snake!

It's not the bite of the snake that kills you, it's the poison left behind.
To hold a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.

I went to Jian today and totally fell in love with this awesome animesh wearable snake.
There was no option not to buy it! (LOL)

Jian has a lot of very cute groupgifts by the way and the group is free to join!
Get your pets at Jian!

Love & Light


I never skip the Japonica event and this time I went with a friend.
Above the result ↑

On him:
Gild Kazakiri yugi outfit @ Japonica.
Hair, Necklace and bracelet: No.Match groupgifts.

On me:
Kimono Youen Agata @ Japonica
Hair: Shi Ethereal.

Location: Tempura Island

Love & Light,

dinsdag 2 juli 2019

Sizzling Summer @ the Wash

I am Princess Unicorn, mermaid, angel, fairy, nymph and even more!
TIAR has these outfits at the Sizzling Summer Cart event!
From left to right 50 Lindens, 25 Lindens and 10 Lindens.
The event starts July 3rd @ the Wash and ends July 24th.
(I visited today and Tiar has their vendors already set up sssshhh! (no lag now))


TAXI to the Wash

zaterdag 29 juni 2019

Almost the end of pride month.......

but not the end of our pride!

I went to Pride Festival today and picked up some awesome gifts.
This time more gifts for you guys then for us girls so go, go, go!!
It is at most events the other way around so you guys deserve it.

Holographic top: Stories&Co
Drink: [Figure 8] Pride drink
Necklace: Pride Necklace MIDNA
Scooter: Southern Sass Unicorn Vespa

Other stuff  I blogged before, but you can always ask me inworld.
Location: Vegetal Planet

Love, Light and 🌈

donderdag 27 juni 2019

More gifts!

I LOVE gifts!

SL 16 BD:
Hair: Elikatira
Headset: Spoiler Wings gaming headset
Top: Blueberry
Fish in bag: Melonbunny
Nails: Rainbow nails: Alme

Jogger: Groupgift Blueberry

Love, Light & 🌈

That cooling rain.....

Would be so welcome right now!

Click HERE for a moving version.

I went to Summerfest and came home with this very colourfull outfit from Dead Dollz.
It is in many colours and you can make your favourite combination by buying the bikinibottom, skirt and top separately or buy the fatpack.
My Lemonade is a gift from ChicChica and my necklace is part of an old groupgift from !gO!.

Love & Light(ening),

maandag 24 juni 2019

My favourite combo

Since I finally rezzed at SL 16 BD:

I teleported right into the Aleutia shop this time and finally the colours of the outfits rezzed!
(Better not walk, but TP right to the shop, as every minute you spend there you get slower.)
The skirt in this colour appealed most to me and my Blueberry credit I spent on this top.
I will help you get in by giving the direct links here under. (Addams and Aleutia are on the same sim, so you can teleport to either, as you are already in the sim it will not be full.)


ADDAMS  (when you made it to Aleutia you might as well visit Addams too)

BLUEBERRY  (this is a different sim)


Love & Light

zondag 23 juni 2019

Lets spend some money!

FurtaCor has this great bikini in a gacha machine @ Frou Frou event.
I was lucky to pull one of the RARE's first pull, but all of the colours are great.
It is a whole bikini every pull with the banknotes; there are 10 colours to pull in the commons.
The dollarbills in my hand are a groupgift @ Foxy hairshop. When you click them it rains money.

Love, Light and 🌈

Happy Birthday SL

SL is celebrating its sweet 16th birthday!

Finally I was able to TP in a few times into SL 16 BD event and got some gifts. The longer I stayed the laggier I got and when I was finally at Aleutia I had a hard time rezzing and moving.
Aleutia had a giftcode for one free item, but the vendors were not rezzed, so I hovered over the vendors and picked one by description. This nice skirt is the result.
Shortly after that I crashed.

Credits (exept for the cigarette all SL16 BD gifts)
Hair: Elikatira
Collar and Adornment: Zibska
Top: Addams
Skirt: windy skirt Aleutia.
Shoes: Mangula
Cigarette: Maraschino (SL 15 BD gift)

Love, Light and 🌈

zaterdag 22 juni 2019


Party time!

I don't socialize much and especially avoid blues places as they are crowded, always playing the same old stuff and I don't see many people around that are dressed other then jeans and "A" shirt.
I like to party @ Interwoven Dominance as the DJ's are more diverse and more daring. But I must admit after this great DJ that did rock, rap, techno and everything in between, there came a DJ that did only Justin Bieber. 
We can always TP out can't we? (winks)

Dress: AtaMe Latex (the back side is waaaay more interesting, LOL)
Well the rest is blogged before

Love , Light and 🌈

Meet Clay

The new Akeruka groupgift:

After having Cleo as anniversary gift, now the guys in the Akeruka group can get Claly Bento head for only 1 Linden! I'd certainly date this guy! LOL.

Hair: No.Match groupgift
Sweater: Gabriel @ one linden shop.
Earrings: Premium bottler Access gift.

Love & Light,