dinsdag 18 juni 2019

Build or Destroy....

In my view it was always build AND destroy.

Being creative is a path that one can not deny: it has to come out one way or another.
My whole family is/was creative; mostly in music, but I have been longing to go to art school since I was a little girl.
In high school my art teacher came several times to my parents house and told my parents: send her to art school, because in her view.....
that was where I belonged.
My parents wanted me to study for a "real profession" and guided me into a different life path.
I am thankfull to LindenLabs to let us citizens be able to create stuff and I have been a designer for some time until RL called me back.
In my creating time I spent hours and hours making outfits/wearables/scripted AFK stuff and I would decide in one split second that what I was working on is not what I expected from myself.
Then I would throw away days and sometimes weeks of work in the waste bin.
I think it is a good thing to at a certain moment acknowledge you are not working up to your own standards and move on.

Enough about me and more about what you can get for only 2 Lindens!
Join the Curio Obscura group and get the latests groupgift, which is their pride outfit.
I love it! 
There is a lucky board too for members: one board 15 mins/letter.

Love, Light and 🌈

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