vrijdag 24 januari 2020


Found such a great animesh octopuss at my new fav shop {aii}...the ball in my hand is from the shop too and has amazing animations.
Shorts are from SOLE shop, my top is from Caboodle, horns from The Horror and boots from CerberusXing (which is opening a new shop soon! Stay tuned!)
Did I cover it all?
My body is Maitreya but I have heared rumors that Legacy is much easier to work with for creators.
I am not going to spend 5 K on that body while Maitreya is 3,7 K and it works perfectly; the best designers in SL make stuff for that body.
Ofcourse I am not on the designer side anymore, but I got a tip from a designer that I sent a notecard to that the Maitreya version of the outfit was not fitting.......
to buy Legacy because that is more easy rigging for designers.
Not going to do that.

L & L

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