zaterdag 29 juni 2019

Almost the end of pride month.......

but not the end of our pride!

I went to Pride Festival today and picked up some awesome gifts.
This time more gifts for you guys then for us girls so go, go, go!!
It is at most events the other way around so you guys deserve it.

Holographic top: Stories&Co
Drink: [Figure 8] Pride drink
Necklace: Pride Necklace MIDNA
Scooter: Southern Sass Unicorn Vespa

Other stuff  I blogged before, but you can always ask me inworld.
Location: Vegetal Planet

Love, Light and 🌈

donderdag 27 juni 2019

More gifts!

I LOVE gifts!

SL 16 BD:
Hair: Elikatira
Headset: Spoiler Wings gaming headset
Top: Blueberry
Fish in bag: Melonbunny
Nails: Rainbow nails: Alme

Jogger: Groupgift Blueberry

Love, Light & 🌈

That cooling rain.....

Would be so welcome right now!

Click HERE for a moving version.

I went to Summerfest and came home with this very colourfull outfit from Dead Dollz.
It is in many colours and you can make your favourite combination by buying the bikinibottom, skirt and top separately or buy the fatpack.
My Lemonade is a gift from ChicChica and my necklace is part of an old groupgift from !gO!.

Love & Light(ening),

maandag 24 juni 2019

My favourite combo

Since I finally rezzed at SL 16 BD:

I teleported right into the Aleutia shop this time and finally the colours of the outfits rezzed!
(Better not walk, but TP right to the shop, as every minute you spend there you get slower.)
The skirt in this colour appealed most to me and my Blueberry credit I spent on this top.
I will help you get in by giving the direct links here under. (Addams and Aleutia are on the same sim, so you can teleport to either, as you are already in the sim it will not be full.)


ADDAMS  (when you made it to Aleutia you might as well visit Addams too)

BLUEBERRY  (this is a different sim)


Love & Light

zondag 23 juni 2019

Lets spend some money!

FurtaCor has this great bikini in a gacha machine @ Frou Frou event.
I was lucky to pull one of the RARE's first pull, but all of the colours are great.
It is a whole bikini every pull with the banknotes; there are 10 colours to pull in the commons.
The dollarbills in my hand are a groupgift @ Foxy hairshop. When you click them it rains money.

Love, Light and 🌈

Happy Birthday SL

SL is celebrating its sweet 16th birthday!

Finally I was able to TP in a few times into SL 16 BD event and got some gifts. The longer I stayed the laggier I got and when I was finally at Aleutia I had a hard time rezzing and moving.
Aleutia had a giftcode for one free item, but the vendors were not rezzed, so I hovered over the vendors and picked one by description. This nice skirt is the result.
Shortly after that I crashed.

Credits (exept for the cigarette all SL16 BD gifts)
Hair: Elikatira
Collar and Adornment: Zibska
Top: Addams
Skirt: windy skirt Aleutia.
Shoes: Mangula
Cigarette: Maraschino (SL 15 BD gift)

Love, Light and 🌈

zaterdag 22 juni 2019


Party time!

I don't socialize much and especially avoid blues places as they are crowded, always playing the same old stuff and I don't see many people around that are dressed other then jeans and "A" shirt.
I like to party @ Interwoven Dominance as the DJ's are more diverse and more daring. But I must admit after this great DJ that did rock, rap, techno and everything in between, there came a DJ that did only Justin Bieber. 
We can always TP out can't we? (winks)

Dress: AtaMe Latex (the back side is waaaay more interesting, LOL)
Well the rest is blogged before

Love , Light and 🌈

Meet Clay

The new Akeruka groupgift:

After having Cleo as anniversary gift, now the guys in the Akeruka group can get Claly Bento head for only 1 Linden! I'd certainly date this guy! LOL.

Hair: No.Match groupgift
Sweater: Gabriel @ one linden shop.
Earrings: Premium bottler Access gift.

Love & Light,

dinsdag 18 juni 2019

Build or Destroy....

In my view it was always build AND destroy.

Being creative is a path that one can not deny: it has to come out one way or another.
My whole family is/was creative; mostly in music, but I have been longing to go to art school since I was a little girl.
In high school my art teacher came several times to my parents house and told my parents: send her to art school, because in her view.....
that was where I belonged.
My parents wanted me to study for a "real profession" and guided me into a different life path.
I am thankfull to LindenLabs to let us citizens be able to create stuff and I have been a designer for some time until RL called me back.
In my creating time I spent hours and hours making outfits/wearables/scripted AFK stuff and I would decide in one split second that what I was working on is not what I expected from myself.
Then I would throw away days and sometimes weeks of work in the waste bin.
I think it is a good thing to at a certain moment acknowledge you are not working up to your own standards and move on.

Enough about me and more about what you can get for only 2 Lindens!
Join the Curio Obscura group and get the latests groupgift, which is their pride outfit.
I love it! 
There is a lucky board too for members: one board 15 mins/letter.

Love, Light and 🌈

maandag 17 juni 2019

ACCESS Anniversary gifts!

I will show you a small selection of the gifts @ Access. There are many more amazing gifts!

Dress: BF
Lipstick: Luxrebel (Genus applier)
Eyeshadow: Pumec (Genus applier)
Hairpin kiss: Euphoric
Balloons with pose: SEmotion

Bra and panties: {BWK}

Love, Light and 🌈

zondag 16 juni 2019

Thank you Addams!

It has cost me a lot of 💢💣💢(read cursing) in trying to teleport in but finally today I succeeded.
Showing you one of my choices: totally free for the L$ 300 giftcard in combination with 50% off on almost all designs. (Not the newest outfits.)
Thank you Addams and happy birthday!

Love, Light and 🌈

vrijdag 14 juni 2019

More Redaux news!

TIAR brings you this cute floating wearable dolphin and this floral bikini with a ruffled top.
The bikini comes in 13 different textures.
The dolphins are a gacha item and comes also in kid-size.
Redaux opens today at noon SL time.

TAXI to Redaux

TIAR inworld

🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 

donderdag 13 juni 2019

TIAR @ Redaux

This is awesomeness!!

This romper screamed "RETRO"  to me, so I put my Rockabetty glasses on and went to have a coffee to wait for the Redaux event, which starts tomorrow. (I'll have more and more coffee to stay awake for early access LOL)
The romper is also in a cute strawberry print.
TIAR has more cute stuff be continued...


TAXI  to Redaux

🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 🐱 

woensdag 12 juni 2019

More about conflicting animations.......

updating yesterdays post:

Talking about the Akeruka head versus my AO.
Problem "flap" has been solved. That were the teeth in my alpha-ed out head of the Altamura avatar I was wearing.
There was a teeth button I had to press and gone were my old tongue and teeth.(PHEW)
 But not all problems are gone.
There is one particular animation in my AO that  interfears with the AK tongue, when my fingers are close to my mouth.(With naughty animation activated.)
I always buy a freebee AO and delete the old animations, buy new ones @ Kuso (L$ 20/each for bento), put them in the AO and update the config card with the new animations.
It was one of Kuso's anims that conflicted with the tongue.
I love the head; it is amazing, but test your AO on fingers too close to the head as you don't want to skip the naughty animation, do you?

Love & Light,

dinsdag 11 juni 2019

Akeruka Bento head gift and conflicting bento animations?

I was thrilled when I found out Akeruka had this anniversary gift for their group members and got it for a few of me that were in the group. I made a stunning shape  (see right picture) and when the "shape creating exitement" calmed down I noticed a strange bug with the "naughty" animation (tongue licking) in combination with my bento hands.(See left pic). Then I looked at my tongue sticking out with my hand down and I noticed a tiny flap that might cause this. (See middle picture) Might be hardly noticable with another AO.Thing is.... once you have seen it you can't unsee it.
Who knows more?

Love & Light

donderdag 6 juni 2019

TIAR 11 years 🎈🎈

TIAR 11 years 🎈🎈
6th-20th June 2019
50% OFF Sale, Extra Flash Sales, Gacha Sale, 10 L$ Sale Room and Hunt Gift Party's

Here I am wearing the Tiar gift for the FabFree group.


woensdag 5 juni 2019


Yes this is typical a "Fairy"-thing. I was getting a picture ready for the We <3 Roleplay contest.
When I was ready I thought it should be wise to read the contest rules.( I always do things reversed.... *coughs*)
What do I read there?
"To be considered, photos must be completely submitted by May 29, 2019 at midnight slt.
Winners will be announced on June 4th."
SIGHS.....too late Fairy!
Well lets make it into a blogpost then, giving at least the maker of my outfit and the owl credit.

Miya dress: Salt & Pepper
Owl: Hextraordinary
Hair: MM gift @ Besom

Love & Light,

dinsdag 4 juni 2019

Hello Tuesday!

This outfit made by Hilly Halaan is in the Hello Tuesday today and only L$ 99!.
It is a complete look with heels, bag, bra and dress and an extended HUD for all mentioned.(Not all shown here)
My puppy in the bag is a gacha item @ Arcade made by SEmotion.
Hat and earrings I blogged yesterday.

Love & Light

Be proud of who you are!

Today we celebrate 50 years of the LGBT community and UNA has a new gift for her group members.
This dress is ofcourse colourfull as one might expect, but has an interesting side: The Backside!

Get it @ Una shop (group is L$ 50 to join)

Love Light and pride,

zondag 2 juni 2019

Summerbreeze and bees.

If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.
(Albert Einstein)

I think this problem is more urgent then global warming.
We don't affect the weather. Global warming and cooling off at other places has always existed.
Read history people. Discover; don't accept blindly.
People in fear are an easy flock to handle for governments.
I worry about the affect we have on animals in this world; they can't defend themselves: the fishes in the plastic soup in the sea.......
the bees that die massively nowadays because of the pesticides.
We must STOP using pesticides that kill bees; Albert Einstein was right.
The most dramatic example comes from the apple and pear orchards of south west China, where wild bees have been eradicated by excessive pesticide use and a lack of natural habitat.
In recent years, farmers have been forced to hand-pollinate their trees, carrying pots of pollen and paintbrushes with which to individually pollinate every flower, and using their children to climb up to the highest blossoms. This is clearly just possible for this high-value crop, but there are not enough humans in the world to pollinate all of our crops by hand.

That said....

I highlight in this post my bee earrings which are from the JIAN Fashion Friends gacha, named Honey Comb. The little bees are animated, so cool!
The dress is a dollarbie from [sYs] Marketplace shop.
Sunglasses and Mimosa drink are gifts from old events. (Mimosa drink from ChicChica)
My hat is a gacha item from Zenith which I got first pull.

Love & Light and please save the bees,
Fairy Fanshaw