vrijdag 31 mei 2019

My favourite FLF item this week.

Is this hair with goldfishes add on. You get a pack with a HUD containing the essential colours and a colour HUD for the goldfishes. (See close up)
Hurry to Barberyumyum . The offer is only today!

Click [ ] for full screen, ESC for back to normal

Love & Light

donderdag 30 mei 2019

Lets get Kinky!

Kinky event has opened its doors and I was able to TP there, but MAN what a lag!
It might be wise to wait a few days to go there.
I knew what I was looking for so I was fairly fast to TP out again.
I wanted this cute Mei Xing kimono made by Luas, which I pared with Baby riot okobo's (old gacha item by Tentacio)
Pasties are from an outfit made by Ishara (Missa), which look more like a tattoo then pasties.
My earrings were a gift from Idealia.
Picture taken @ Tralala's Dinner.

Love & Light,

woensdag 29 mei 2019

Centaur updated.

Sometimes an avatar needs more efford to make it look good. I am not much of a pastie person (ugh thinking how it would feel to rip them off),
so..... I spent quite some time to find hair I liked that covered my nipples. A bikini top looks not in place for a centaur.
I found the hair at Wasabi Pills. The rope harness I found at Luas. (For group members the harness is in red in the lucky board; group is L$ 50 to join)
Good to know is that the harness has a hand bondage option, but I don't need that.
My horns are from Eternus....shoot where did I get them? It was at a shopping event going on now.
Sorry for that but Seraphim blog gives all the answers, lol!

Love & Light,

zaterdag 25 mei 2019

Jinx Centaur

I am totally into fantasy avatars...

So after trying the demo for a few weeks with an old forgotten avatar I decided to give this Jinx centaur a go.
It did not say that it is fitted for any mesh female body, so I thought my free Altamura body was as good as Lara.
The demo belt covered all the body glitches (belt given in the folder did not make me happy).
I spent more money and bought the harness but then I noticed that I can't make the body fit to the centaur.
I would advice the maker to make a tattoo layer to make the change from horse body to human body more smooth.
Would not help me because I have a free hunt body from Altamura that does not support any applier huds.
Would help a lot of others though.

Love & Light,

vrijdag 24 mei 2019

Not Today.

My country accepted a new law.

You can now sue anyone you've had sex with if you had any doubts about that afterwards.
This is frightening and reducing lust.
Plus, from now on the judges are busier with this kind of case than with real crime.
It should not get any crazier.

Credit: Blueberry FLF shirt.

Love, Light and Justice,

donderdag 23 mei 2019

Lucky Letter Gacha.....

I have one rule with my friends about lucky letter gacha:
These old gacha items that are in a lucky letter chair: When your letter comes on you sit in the chair and you get the item.
The item is no copy/no modify yes transfer.

The rule is when we win something we don't like, we pass it on.(And/or double's)
Even if one of us is not online: we will find it in our "recent" tab the next time we come online.
When that friend doesn't like it either he can pass it to another or in the end maybe throw it away by him/herself.
Thats what friends are for heh?
The other day I made a new "friend", that refused to do that.
He rather throws items away then make a friend (or a friend of a friend) happy.
This totally beats me and I think it says a lot of the kind of person he is.

Head Squidder: Jinx lucky letter gacha.
Siren Bento rings: Empyrean Forge.
Mermaid tail: Jomo
Arm Kraken: Mermaid's Majesty Kraker bracer RARE: Half Deer
Hair: Stephanie: EMO-tions
Nails: Formanails Lucky board. 

Love & Light,

woensdag 22 mei 2019


It never stops.

I have Catwa heads, Lelutka heads, Laq heads, Fiore heads, Genus heads;  I am a sucker for heads
(no pun intended, haha!), so I had to try out the new Logo head.
And wow I love it!
It took me ofcourse quite some time to make the shape I like best and testing out the HUD, but here is the result.

Outfit: Ygridd @ Enchantement event.

Love & Light

New Event: Flora!

As if we hadn't enough events, LOL!

And ofcourse I tped to the event. The region was crowded but not full yay!
I found this cute set with daisies I couldn't resist.
It is made by Una and in several other colours, all pastels.
The pose was a pose fair gift.

Love & Light,

donderdag 16 mei 2019


We come to SL to escape from all the rules in RL I hear often.
And yet there are whole communities roleplaying. One would say that is great: thats an escape.
But there are more rules in RP then there are in RL. You can't say "I want this or that".
You must say something like this: "Fairy looks at those fine apples and wants to eat one"
I love fantasy worlds and sims where people that are into fantasy worlds can meet, but I don't need those tight rules.
There are on those sims people that act like the "Roleplay Police" correcting you all the time.
We don't need to write a novel, right?
I have never found a sim/community in SL for free souls and into fantasy worlds.
Comments are welcome.

Oh yes... I wanted to blog about this amazing dress I found at the "We <3 roleplay" event, made by Zenith.
I know Zenith shop for a long time, she always makes amazing stuff.
Look how this dress is draped on the floor.
Pure art.
You have to use your Maitreya HUD on the alpha though, but thats why I have this awesome waist, LOL!

Love & Light (and please comment on the roleplay subject)

Hash in seven colours of the rainbow........

This event starts today and here is what Tiar has to offer:

A beautifull colourfull tent with single and couple animations.
Romantic and adult.

TAXI to Hash in 7 colours of the Rainbow.


Love & Light,

woensdag 15 mei 2019

It's May!

Let's get deals!

This event opens today!
A few days ago I showed you what Tiar has to offer on this event, but I will show you again:

TAXI to the event.


See you there!

Love & Light

maandag 13 mei 2019

There are devilish thoughts in the most angelic minds....

TIAR Newness that will make you look like an angel, but will cause devilish thoughts....
No one can resist this outfit which consists of a bralet, shorts, top, skirt and a pantie cover for if you really have to (LOL)

Event opens soon: Landmark will be given later.

https://www.facebook.com/tiarSL/ facebook
https://www.flickr.com/photos/94024813@N05/ Flickr

Love & Light, Fairy


But sometimes it's a good hurt
and it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
when it transcends the bad things. (Incubus)

This song made my heart jump of joy: it was released in a great summer full of happiness.
It was "our song". (RIP)

Bodysuit/arrows: Micamee groupgift.
Catears/whiskers:MMM gift Inner Demons
Collar: old gift Astralia
Hair: Lamb
Nails: Formanails Lucky Letter gift

Love & Light,

zaterdag 11 mei 2019

Fire cannot kill dragon.....

Great 30L Saturday items @ Jinx!
A dragon collar and this amazing dragon armpet.
For a total of only L$ 60 they can be yours!
While you are there have a look at all the other amazing creatures they sell: also big dragons, wolves and even a centaur attachement that can be worn on your avatar.
Don't buy something too impulsive though, as for a lot of items you must have a waterhorse first. They are addons for the waterhorse.
The centaur though can be worn directly. (There also was a very funny frog prince/princess avatar for sale.)
I enjoyed myself for quite some time wandering around.

Other credits:
Fire spitting dragon - Avalon Forge
Head dragon - Hextraordinary
Nails: Lucky letter gift - Formanails.

Love & Light

vrijdag 10 mei 2019

Why settle for a scooter.......

If you can have a car?

I have done about one half of the womenstuff hunt today and I have some great gifts to show you!

Starting with the pants: they are part of the gift of Lola's secret store. The " Dr. Martens" boots (I have them in RL too!) are from Lindy and my too cool for school top is from D2T Designs.
And then now girls: the car!! This aweseome car is from Optmus Race Mega store and you can really drive it!

The hair was a MM gift @ Besom.

Happy hunting!

dinsdag 7 mei 2019

Creepy timeloop......

This morning I tried to log in and I got the message that the system was still in a Log off proces.
Please try again in a few minutes. That was not possible as I was not online.
After a few minutes the log in worked and I went to the gacha garden to get the gifts.
After I got them all I tped to Lea Sandbox and stood there as my RL doorbell rang.
When I came back I was logged off (log off screen was me seen at another place, but I did not TP there).
The text said that I was logged off because I was trying to log in from another device.
I never experienced such a weird thing. I really wish I sat there watching those last minutes instead of running to the doorbell!
WEIRD! Like I was in a sort of sci-fi reversed timeloop.

OH! Another thing just happened: I withdrew 2 days of fishing which was L$ 58, got nothing but my HUD went back to zero.
Just one of those days.......

Rose rope harness: Tentacio
Leg rope: Moon Elixir
Poison pouch: Cubic Cherry @ We <3 Roleplay
Butterfly crown: Yokai  @ Gacha Garden (gift)
Thong: Universal thong gift @ Kaithleen's
Bento ringset: Idealia, gift @ Gacha Garden.

zondag 5 mei 2019


Who doesn't have them?

I have heared stories from being on the run for a stalking ex until simply forgetting your name and login information.
Myself I felt the need long ago to have a Fairy-like (me) avatar and a Gothly avatar.(Silly me, thats ofcourse also me)
For a long time that served my needs, until I started designing myself and needed models.
Strangely enough they became their own personalities with their own style of clothing.
(No, we are not schizophrenic, LOL) So when I now see a certain outfit I like, I know which of me would like it.
Weird how that can happen. It helps me with blogging too, so I don't have to have a full inventory on one avatar and the other has nothing to wear.
For sponsored blogging I have one contactperson. She is the most "normal" avatar and can have a lot of clothing.
It could come in handy though to make the clothing no-copy, no-modify, yes-transfer, in case the clothing fits better in one of my alts "theme".
When you have followed me for a while you have seen all kinds of roleplay avatars come by.
They are not all me, some are friends, but quite a few are.They are a way of expressing myself in different directions.

Credits: Tita dress Oil [Cubic Cherry] @ Make Me Blush event. (Only L$ 30!)
Elven Ears: Mandala
Hair: Tram.

Love & Light,

vrijdag 3 mei 2019

Early sundaymorning...........

And I arrived saturdaynight at my beach house.

How I love those early sunday mornings with the promise of a warm day coming and already at the beach in my beach house.
No traffic jam .... I woke up here, took a bath and now I am going to make a super healthy breakfast.
Still not quite awake and dreaming away.... mmmm those hot summer days.
This Valentina E dress is perfect for such a day and only 50 Lindens (also a FLF item); check the Seraphim blog.
You must be aware that it has this flaw too I blogged about yesterday.
Nonetheless worth the money, but hurry only today L$ 50 !

Love & Light


I found a gem at Fifty Linden Friday again!
This kimono-ish dress has exactly the colour I wanted!
The Rafflesia dress is sold at Eliavah. Pictures, slurls can be found on the Seraphim blog.
It is still early in US so there is plenty time to get it!

Shoes: Blueberry
Hair: Doe
Backdrop: Come Soon Poses

Love & Light